Monday, 10 March 2025

Am I Playing The Ultimate Game....or is that a New Black Tower Title??


Ben Dilworth once looked at me and said: "One day you will make a comic masterpiece and say 'it looks okay' and the next day claim it is complete shit!"

I have never had an ego when it comes to work. Write or draw what needs to be written and drawn then move on.Every artist has a different style and each is worth looking at. Each has its own merits and flaws.  I complete a book or series such as The Green Skies and after months or year or so working on a project I will do the proof checking and that is it. I just cannot look at the book again -I would probably pick out every single flaw -with Return of the Gods I looked at the 94pp trade and did not like it. So it became a fully re-lettered 300+pp graphic novel😂   

The Ultimate Game and Cosmic Fulcrum were two 1980s projects and to go into their history would take up a VERY long blog post.  The pages have lain around 30+ years and the art style varies but it is still all part of the "Hooperverse" (there's ego for you!) and I just wanted to put it all together so I had a record of it and if pages then get lost or destroyed I have them in a nice high quality book. 

The new Ultimate Game comes to 120 pages and once the much delayed Black Tower Super Heroes Vol. 3 no. 1 is out of the way the scanned art will be lettered and then gotten out of the way.

Since fewer people actually read Independent comics these days I publish for myself because at my age I realise that you cannot educate people on things that are not Marvel, DC, Image or one of the other big (and definitely not Indies) companies.

Putting it another way; I have so many stories and ideas in my head (more daily) I am never going to live long enough to draw them all and with Ben Dilworth no longer working and Stransky and Labbatt gone it is all down to one person...that's me in case I never made it obvious!

Bouts 2 and 3 of Covid as well as the side effects of the flu vaccine have knocked me well off course but I am hoping to push on soon.

I'm even blogging again. Let's see how it goes.

Friday, 7 March 2025

The Green Skies -My LAST Mega Project?







It all began in 1987 and the Black Tower Universe has seen alien attacks, heroes kidnapped to be put into the middle of a war of the gods. 

Despite the deaths and losses the heroes -crime fighters, super powered and members of the magical union have come back but now unaware that alien races are escaping through the Sol system and that a mysterious space fleet is heading towards the inner planets, they find themselves trapped or distracted. 

The Many Eyed One is finally coming. 

The Multiversal Council has quarantined Earth and forbidden any to help. 

The evil has spread and there is treachery striking at the very core of Earth's defenders





Following on from events in Green Skies V. 3 Part I the Clone Zone Boyz are increasing in number while those who created them, the Vampirons, continue to plot and await the arrival of their 'God' -The Many Eyed One. 

The Druid finds that his physical and mental state are deteriorating and even the Rev. Merriwether cannot help him. 

Shockingly, the Clone Zone Boyz claims someone close to Merriwether and this leads him to team up with two 'unsavoury' characters. 

In space Krii and Tyn hrrn face a seemingly unstoppable enemy. 

On The Moon the Selenites and representatives of other worlds meet and decide that Johnny Apollo, the Z-Man, is the only one who can lead the counter invasion fleet. 

With the enemy striking Mars and then the Moon things look grim for Earth





The gathered Sol Defence fleet is prepared to make its final stand led by Johnny Apollo the Z Man. If it fails to halt the invaders then the doomsday weapon will be detonated and destroy the entire Sol System. 

Meanwhile, unaware of the threat in space, Jack Flash, the Avenger and others prepare for a final show down with the Many Eyed One; a final confrontation they know they do not have the power to win. 

Is this Humanity...the day?

And woven into The Green Skies is the story of the harbinger of destruction: the story of Varik Dann -The Man Who Walked Through a Door and Into Another World

Varik Dann is but one character as we follow the attempts of heroes and adventurers as well as the military as they try to confront the Clone Zone Boys with no idea of who or what is behind them. And in space the very existence of not just the Earth but the solar system rests on efforts to stop an alien invasion fleet and if it cannot be stopped them there will be no conquest: the entire solar system will be destroyed by a doomsday device.

And now, in no particular order -some more art pages!

Am I Playing The Ultimate Game....or is that a New Black Tower Title??

  Ben Dilworth once looked at me and said: "One day you will make a comic masterpiece and say 'it looks okay' and the next day ...